Thessaloníki is an important port and the second most populated town of Greece with about 420.000 inhabitants. It is was founded by the Macedonian general Cassandre in the year 315 before our era, giving it the name of its wife Thessalonica, half sister of Alexandre the Great. In - 148, Thessaloníki became the capital of the Roman province Macedonia.
The emperor Galere lived there in the IVth century. Persecutor of Christians, it is under its reign that Dimitri was martyred. After barbarians occupations, the city developed again in the Vth century under the reign of the Byzantine emperor Justinian, becoming the most important town of the Roman Empire of Orient after Byzantium.
Monuments and pictures of Thessaloniki
The roman arch of Galere (IVth)


Today Saint-Georges church, this roma mausoleum was first destinated to welcome the body of the emperor Galere
White tower

The medieval white tower was included in the city walls, the turkish rebuit it in the XVth and then used it as a prison.


Saint Dimitri church

Sainte Sofia - Agia Sofya